Thursday, 24 November 2011


The earliest finish time we could complete the project was 32 weeks that is only if every single process is completed on time with out problems. We have a float of 8 weeks so that in an event where problems arise we still have adequate time to complete the project.
I feel that AON is essential in project management as it allows us to plan the entire process of the project  from start to finish within a given period.

Thursday, 17 November 2011


A proper Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) will dramatically increase your possibilities of delivering a successful project and it is a very valuable instrument to set the scope and to use when communicating internal as well as external. So with WBS we can easily understand what has to be done and split the assignments evenly among group members. 

Our group's scoping of our solar panel project:

Estimated duration : 1/2 year.
Responsibility matrix : Yin Shern -team leader
                                  Brandon -energy engineer
                                  Bing Hui - power engineer
                                  Amin - design engineer
                                  Wen Jie - HR

Sunday, 6 November 2011


This week we realized out our project through some sketches.
Basically our idea is a dome-shaped-hollow solar panel at the very top of the HDB block. Why is it hollow? we plan to integrate some sitting area in the hollow part so that residents can go up and have their afternoon tea in the shade. Some other sketches:
This was meant to be the different views of the solar panel but it didn't turn out as what me expected it to be.


We presented our chosen idea which was the solar paneled HDB blocks to the others groups and got useful feedback. From the exchange of feedback between the groups i learnt that every idea has its strengths and weaknesses and we got to take the feedback and try to improve the product which we are proposing.


So we were tasked to come up with a campaign/product which would help us save the environment. Thus we put ideation in to action! The first part was generation of idea, we came up with many wild and crazy ideas. Eg, only flush the toilet at the end of the day, use biodegradable utensils etc. Here's the picture of the 20 odds ideas we came up with:


Firstly, we shared our thoughts on ideation and went through what it meant to each one of us. Everyone had different perspectives and it was interesting to learn from one another. Personally i think that ideation is a process whereby people come together to create new ideas through creative imagination. Here's the ideation process: